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We speak with Sarah Muller the BBC's Senior Head
of Commissioning 7+ on older animated comedy sitcoms, pokemon and how the BBC works with independant production companies
October 23 Conference

Sarah Muller - BBC
Q - Thank you Sarah for being a panellist at our first Get Animated conference. You started your career as a producer before going into commissioning - what do miss about the production side?
Q - You mentioned you loved older animated content, what do we need to do in the UK to create a global animated sitcom franchise like South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons etc...?
Q - Before you went on stage you and I discussed my suggestion that BBC3 puts out more UK created adult animated content - The last memorable programs I can think of is Monkey Dust and I am not an animal' - who do we moan about this to?
Q - Most of us know the BBC is bound by the Royal Charter and the set amount of hours of what type of content is required each year is bound in that charter. How do we get adult animated sitcoms, feature films, animated shorts split into the charter.
Q - Lastly you love Pokemon, is the BBC thinking less like just a broadcaster and looking at doing gaming and apps for animated content? - not just as a complimentary add-on to a commission - we mean launching an IP just on digital first.
Thank you Sarah - as always it is great to hear your honest views. You can see more about the BBC at -
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Every animator wants to inspire devotion in their audiences and to create characters that have a lasting impact. To make that little short that grows and grows to become a series, a movie, a theatre show, a toy range and a treasured memory that transcends generations - Richard Hollis

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