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We speak with Gavin Halpin MD of Paper Owl Films on the benefits of working with a Northern Irish studio and how their IP 'Pablo' is being exported around the world and their plans for growing the IP.
October 23 Conference
Gavin Halpin - Managing Director

Q - deas liom bualadh leat Gavin (pleased to meet you Gavin) - Thank you for coming over from Belfast for the first Get Animated conference - Northern Ireland has a special tax rate for production finance - are you able to tell us more?
Q - As you are based in Northern Ireland are there ways Paper Owl can access the Republic of Irelands tax breaks as well?
Q - You focus on 2D animation, or is that not the case?, do you produce 3D and live action as well?
Q - Pablo is such a wonderful show which focuses on autism - do you feel IP's need to bring this subject matter in more to their storylines?
Q - You mentioned you had a live theatre production ready to go for Pablo as covid hit, are there still pans for this?
Q - We are talking more about how UK and Irish animated IP's export around the world - how does distribution work?, do you do the distribution yourselves?
Q - What plans do you have for new IP that you are getting, or trying to get greenlit?
Go raibh maith agat Gavin (Thanks Gavin) - You can learn more about Paper Owl Films at their website -
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Every animator wants to inspire devotion in their audiences and to create characters that have a lasting impact. To make that little short that grows and grows to become a series, a movie, a theatre show, a toy range and a treasured memory that transcends generations - Richard Hollis

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